One Window Steering Committee Publishes Recommendation Report

CHAC is governed by a Steering Committee and a high level Action Plan. One of the three outcomes in our Action Plan is an integrated approach to housing. A coordinated intake process for non-market applicants was one of the elements envisioned for that integrated approach.

In Calgary, we currently have dozens of separate housing waitlists.  Each housing provider has its own independent intake process.  A centralized point of entry will eliminate the need for applicants to submit their information multiple times to different providers.

 A coordinated intake process will reduce stress for applicants, many of whom are already vulnerable, and lead to a more efficient and effective system and better data. It should also reduce the burden on social workers and case managers who help clients navigate the housing system.

Other benefits will include improved customer outcomes, transparency, better sector collaboration and increased efficiencies. The enhanced data and analytics will result in superior evidenced-based intelligence to inform policy, programs and investment.

The One Window Steering Committee, which is made up of 14 non-profit housing providers, community agencies and the Alberta Government, recently published a recommendation report. The City of Calgary, which has played a significant leadership role throughout the project, is working with other orders of government to develop a business case for funding the initiative.

Want to know more? Read the full report or the presentation. Short on time? Try this handy summary instead.
