Steve Pomeroy, Focus Consulting Inc

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Urban Research Education (CURE), Carleton University

Widely recognized as one of the leading housing policy experts in Canada, Steve is an Ottawa based research consultant. He advises a number of national associations, municipalities and provinces on policy matters and development of comprehensive housing strategies, and was extensively consulted by CMHC in the development of Canada’s National Housing strategy 

Steve has over 30 years of experience in the non-profit sector, local government and with CMHC before establishing Focus Consulting Inc. in 1994. Since then has completed over 180 research reports covering all aspects of housing as well as urban issues.

One of his most recent reports explored opportunities to envision a modernized social housing sector, and pathways to get from here to there. He has also undertaken an extensive review of the non-shelter outcomes of affordable housing investment about which he will speak today.

In 2012, Steve was recognized for his work in housing research with the Queens Diamond Jubilee medal.